The Association of Pauline Cooperators (APC) was founded in Alba, Italy on June 29, 1917 by Blessed James Alberione as one of the branches among the ten institutes of the Pauline Family. In founding the Cooperators, Father Alberione had in mind the example of the many lay people who cooperated with St. Paul in his mission, among whom were people from all walks of life, united by the desire to share the Gospel with the people of their day.

“The Association of Pauline Cooperators is essentially open to all the laity – men and women, youth and adults – who intend to assume a definite role within the vast range of sectors of the Pauline apostolate, so as to leaven their own surroundings and their own parishes” (Handbook of Pauline Cooperators, p. 2). As members of the Pauline Family, Pauline Cooperators are imbued with and share the Pauline charism by growing in relationship with Jesus the Divine Master, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and giving him to the people of today through the mission of evangelization with the modern means of communication.


Cooperators make a Promise to commit themselves to the proclamation of the Gospel according to their particular state in life, in the spirit of the Pauline Family, for the glory of God and the sanctification of their brothers and sisters.


Some Pauline Cooperators may carry on the Pauline mission by their offering of prayer and direct support for the various branches of the Pauline Family. The Cooperators take the Gospel and the Pauline Charism out into the world by their very presence, bringing the love of Jesus to the community, family and work. They do this by using all the various means of communication and technology as envisioned by Blessed Alberione as the media apostolate.


The Association of Pauline Cooperators is a complete movement in itself, lives and acts in communion with the other nine institutes of the Pauline Family (Handbook of Pauline Cooperators, p.2)